Friday, August 21, 2009


I am so happy right now...

My life is a bit hetic with a new baby but I really couldn't be happier. I wouldn't trade this life for anything...okay maybe a bit less drama from certain family members would be nice. On the plus side... My Grandma is moving up to Minnesota! Once we get her settled we will move Gramps up. My Gramps is suffering from a fast progressing form of Alzheimers called Louie-Bodies. It is a mix of Alzheimers and Parkinsons Disease. It is so hard to watch him go through but I just remember all the happy days! They were young grandparents so it was nice because I was able to have a lot of memories. My daughter Claire is actually named after her Great-Grandpa. We are trying to make as many "photo" memories for her as we can.

What is the best memory I have with my Grandparents?

I would have to say our trips to Branson, MO. I love it there! I can't wait to take Claire there for the first time. It will be a special moment for me. I love Silver Dollar City and Lake of the Ozarks. It is such a beautiful area! I have not been there in quite a long time but most definately looking forward to the day that I can.

What is your favorite memory with your Grandparents? And, if weren't able to know your Grandparents then tell me a favorite family memory?

Good night all!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


My name is Jess. We live in Minnesota. We meaning me, my hubby Bruce and our 6 mo. old daughter Claire. I am starting this blog for all the reasons people start blogs. It is going to be about our journey together as a family but it will also be about my opinions. You must read this blog with an open mind and open heart. If you don't have something nice to say then don't say it...and thats that!! I read to many blogs that people feel they have to defend themself, and they shouldn't because it is their life!

So....Welcome to our family its crazy happenings and other crazy happenings that I decide to write about!