Monday, November 9, 2009

My little girl is growing sooo FAST!!!

Enjoy some pictures from our outings and Claire getting "SO BIG"!

I have been meaning to update for awhile but everytime I sit down....something comes up! Like the fact that at 7 mo old actually on our anniversary Claire gave us a present. She started crawling on all fours!! Then, that weekend she started pulling herself up! She is also waving and clapping. She just babbles all the time. She is really hitting milestones very well! I am so proud of her. We have been so busy it seems. I am hoping that life will actually slow down a bit now that winter is coming (dreaded old man winter). On the plus side the weather channel is predicting it will be warmer than normal for us this year. (yeah right! it will probably be a bad one!)
Claire has been such a helper! She wanted into the laundry basket....have no idea why so I let her play in there while I was folding laundry one night. She SCREAMED when I took her out. I hope that is a sign that she will always help with laundry! ;)
I am working on losing wieght. I have been going to the gym as much as possible. I am also doing Jillian Michaels Shred! (wish me luck!) I know that maybe this is not the time to be losing wieght going into the holiday season but I am going to do my best.

Sorry the pictures are a little out of order...still working on this blogging thing. Maybe some days I will be a pro like this lil' boys mom! Did you hear he hit a home run today???

Have a great night all!