Tuesday, August 24, 2010

18 months!!!!

This cutie turned 18 months today!!!

I really don't know where the time is going! I love this girl with everything in my heart. She makes my mornings beautiful because there is nothing better than going in and finding her dancing around in her crib shouting "ma ma" "da da" "UP" "ma ma" "da da" "UP UP". We were at a housewarming party for a friend this weekend, and everyone kept commenting about how smiley and happy she is. Its very true this girl always has a smile (for the most part, more on that later! hehe!!).

Claire you are mommy and daddys joy. Thank you so much for being you. We love you so much! You are the biggest blessing in our lives, and we are so thankful for you!

You weigh: Approx 26 lbs.

Height: Approx 33 ins.

You have a very good vocabulary which includes: "nanas"(banana), "hot", "up", "borilla"(gorilla), "mama", "dada", "I did it", "getcha", ball, bot(sippy cup),"ook" (book), "appa"(cat), "ove u"(love you), and so much more.

Your favorite things: Your stuffed gorilla and books.

Your favorite foods: yogurt, french toast sticks, mac and cheese, peas, carrots, tofu, eggs, and anything else that does NOT include meat. I'm beginning to think you might end up being a vegan but thats okay.

We hope that you all had a wonderful Tuesday! We have a fun Wednesday planned!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Today, I was so moved at church. We had a group from MN Teen Challenge visit, while our pastor was at his Navy Reserve weekend. If you are not familiar with MN Teen Challenge. They offer a variety of programs to people trying to overcome addiction. The work with teens and adults. They have 28 day, 60 day and a 13 month programs. We were able to hear the stories of these young adults. OH man I should of brought the kleenex today. It was just amazing to hear how far they have come, and even the stories of those who have just began their journey. I am so proud of them because truly the first step to anything is to seek help and admitting that you have a problem. There was one gal who really touched me. She is 27 years old. She was addicted to meth for 10 years. She would leave her daughter to go get high. Her mom called child protection services on her when her daughter was 2. She had the oppurtunity to get clean, and turn her life around so thats what she did but soon after exiting her 60 day program(at another program other than MN Teen Challenge). She started using again. She signed her rights away to have her mother raise her daughter. A year later she found herself in a very dark and scary part of life, and decided to change. She as been in Teen Challenge for 9 months now. She is slowly rebuilding her life, and her relationship with her daughter and family. Her daughter even calls her "mommy" now, and she has done that in months. And, on September 8th she gets to take her daughter to kindergarten, something that 9 months ago she never imagined.

It was stories like that touched my heart. In some aspects I know how the families of these men and women feel. I had a cousin that used and sold drugs, and landed himself in jail a couple of times. It was so hard to watch. My cousin and I are 6 months apart, and grew up together. It was a very struggling time in my life watching him go through that. He is better now, and has 4 kids.

I know what addiction is like. My addiction was food. (I know not any were near what drugs and alcohol do to you but still). I ate myself through my pain of my cousin dealing with addiction, my aunts bipolar, and my daily battles in my head with my own depression. I have slowly been breaking my habit. It is very hard to not help yourself to that 2nd or even 3rd piece of cake, or 2 helpings at dinner. It is a battle. I am slowly but surely winning. There is nothing harder than to tell yourself "no" or that you can get through this. I am glad that I have a great support system. Just like I am happy that these young men and women have began to rebuild their relationships with family, so that they will have a good support system to help them through.

I would like to ask you to pray for these men and women. That they continue down this path they are on of self discovery. That they can continue to rebuild the broken relationships. That they build a strong foundation of faith to get them through the rough times that are coming once they get out of their program. They will face so much when they get out. We can not judge them they have already beend judged way to much, and we don't were they've all been or how they got to were they were at to use and abuse but we can just hope that they will stay clean for the rest of their lives. I want nothing more than to see them all succeed. Will you do that for me?

Down below is a link to one of the songs they sang, it was of my favorites! Enjoy!


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Its Wednesday already???

This weeks seems to be going by so fast then tonight it seemed to slow a bit. We have been battling allergies this week! Its unbelieveable how allergies can make you feel so crummy. We haven't been to the gym since Saturday but no worries I am doing my Kettleball at home, so that I can stay on track.

We've had some happenings this week. One my mom accepted a job last Friday for a new job in Iowa! I am very excited for her beyond words. It is a step up from what she is doing. It will give her some experience for degree that she is obtaining. It will be hard to have her gone being that I am so close to her. We will be making more trips to Iowa that is for sure. Eventually, I wouldn't mind moving home to Iowa. For now though I feel driven to stay right where I am at. I love this little town. I'm with a mile to mile and half of Target, 2 parks, ECFE, my doctors office and our gym. We love to walk to these places on nice days. It helps get in some added exercise.
Would you please go wish my friend Kelly at www.kellyskornerblog.com a big congrats on expecting baby #2!!! I'm so very excited for this family with all the challenges they had getting their first child followed by a 3 week NICU stay!
Would you also go check out my friend Taras blog, she just revamped her blog! Its all about sewing, cloth diapering and daily life! She is inspiring me to sew! You can check it out here: www.sewandtellbytara.blogspot.com

Thats all the news I have for now! Have a great Thursday!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Working out and heat!

Hello! It has been so hot here in MN. I can't remember a summer this hot and humid in a long time! It just makes me want to curl up on my couch with a fan in front of me! ha! I would say I'm kidding but I'm not. Except I am no longer a couch bum! I love to work out. I am at the gym every day! I do take a break on Sundays but other wise we are there every day for about 90 minus plus we go on walks and our apartment complex has a pool that we enjoy! I am starting to slowly see the results. I'm sure if I give it another month I will really start seeing the results. I did have to go buy belt today! I'm not going to be new clothes with the summer days ending soon! I have found a new love...KETTLEBALL!!! Its a great work out. I bought it so that I can do it at home. It cost extra at the gym, and it was way cheaper just to go buy a set that included a DVD at Wal-Mart! Give it a try!

Claire is walking all over the place! She started walking at 16 months old. I knew she'd walk on her own time. She is now saying "nananas" for banana's. She has such a good vocabulary. She is just so much fun! I am so very very blessed to have her in my life!! I thank God for her every day. It was a journey for us to have her, and not even sure we'd be able to have children. I have heard of sick children and children that have passed on, and it saddens me deeply. I pray for those families because I can't imagine losing a child.

We could use some prayers for my husband to get a job! He just finished his pharmacy technician program. We just need a mircle. Its hard to live on unemployment. I have started selling BeautiControl. Its an at home spa. I love the products, so I am hoping that can take off and give us a little extra.

Thats all I have to report for this Tuesday! I hope you are all having a great Tuesday!