Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Life has been nuts lately....

Well...in the last couple of weeks we have been so busy as a family. We are trying to get my Grandma all settled in up here in Minnesota. Now, we have to work on getting my Grandpa up here. That is a bit more tricky.

This past weekend we had my daughter baptised. She did so great! She smiled through the whole thing. I think she realized it was her special day to become God's child. I would post pictures but I have not been able to upload pictures on this new computer yet.

I am hoping over the next few posts I can introduce to you my family. I would like to tell you more about my family and why I am going to be blogging. I may not blog much at first but I am hoping to get better at blogging everyday. I am hoping to increase my readers. I don't think I have any yet but who knows. I just mainly want to document my life here on this earth!

Have a great day!!

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome that you live where I'll be visiting tomorrow! And welcome to the bloggy world.. It's addictive! I have learned that saying ya'll is NOT acceptable here! haha! Can't wait to see your hometown tomorrow and thanks again for the comment!
