Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Working out and heat!

Hello! It has been so hot here in MN. I can't remember a summer this hot and humid in a long time! It just makes me want to curl up on my couch with a fan in front of me! ha! I would say I'm kidding but I'm not. Except I am no longer a couch bum! I love to work out. I am at the gym every day! I do take a break on Sundays but other wise we are there every day for about 90 minus plus we go on walks and our apartment complex has a pool that we enjoy! I am starting to slowly see the results. I'm sure if I give it another month I will really start seeing the results. I did have to go buy belt today! I'm not going to be new clothes with the summer days ending soon! I have found a new love...KETTLEBALL!!! Its a great work out. I bought it so that I can do it at home. It cost extra at the gym, and it was way cheaper just to go buy a set that included a DVD at Wal-Mart! Give it a try!

Claire is walking all over the place! She started walking at 16 months old. I knew she'd walk on her own time. She is now saying "nananas" for banana's. She has such a good vocabulary. She is just so much fun! I am so very very blessed to have her in my life!! I thank God for her every day. It was a journey for us to have her, and not even sure we'd be able to have children. I have heard of sick children and children that have passed on, and it saddens me deeply. I pray for those families because I can't imagine losing a child.

We could use some prayers for my husband to get a job! He just finished his pharmacy technician program. We just need a mircle. Its hard to live on unemployment. I have started selling BeautiControl. Its an at home spa. I love the products, so I am hoping that can take off and give us a little extra.

Thats all I have to report for this Tuesday! I hope you are all having a great Tuesday!

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