Sunday, June 20, 2010

Claire update!!

What has Claire been up to you ask???? I will admit I've been bad about blogging but I really need to try to maintain this blog. There is so much going on in our lives.
She turned 1 on February 24th! She is just a joy to be around. Even though lately she has been more into throwing fits because she can't have everything she wants! Some times it is embarassing (if we are out in public) but other times I just have to laugh. Seeing her throw her head down and pound her fist on the ground is kind of entertaining. I don't let her see me laughing. I guess the best thing is just to ignore them but sometimes I do address it. She is not quite walking yet. She does take steps but then freaks out, and thinks crawling is better. I think we are getting closer to her being a full time walker but I figure with in time it will happen. She is much more focused on other developments. If I sing the ABC's to her...she sings back "Ahhh, Beyyyy, Ceeyyy, Da", and that is as far as she gets. I want to capture it on video but the minute that camera is out well its over. I will figure out a way to trick her. Her words include..."momma, dada (finally!), ut oh, ok, up, yes (haha...the "no" word isn't used), Lila (a girl from ECFE), ba, orilla(for her gorilla), grandma (mumbled but you can hear it), pretty sure she said thank you the other day not sure though, so as you can she is getting up there in word (she has more but can't think of them all). I am proud of her. Her favorite things right now are her books. She sits and looks at her books a good majority of the day. We read all time. She loves being outdoors, painting, swinging, and just being a goofy lil' girl. Oh...and I can't forget she loves to blow kisses and "give love" (which is patting her hand over her heart or giving you a hug)! It is so cute! I love her so much! Here are few pictures! From 12 months to 15th months! She has grown so much since then. At her 15 month check she was 33 1/2 in tall (99th) and 23 lbs (53rd).

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